Passing the Light.

Dento Foundation aims to inspire the next generation to join this world of Japanese craftsmanship. 

Our goal is to support the continuation of Japanese craftsmanship mainly through our internship program.

The Dento Foundation collaborate with universities, art schools and other crafts institutions creating a platform and support program where young craftsmen & can experience internships joining masters at work in order to take over workspaces that may otherwise be lost.


Dento aims to support and guide new generations of craftsmen, artisans, and artists in becoming the torch bearers of Japan’s traditional talents and techniques, assuring that these invaluable skills continue to shine on well into the future.


  1. Creating scholarship platform for potential young craftsmen and artists. 
  2. Identifying and connecting between craftsmen in need and potential young intern craftsmen.
  3. Collaborating with universities, art schools and other crafts institutions creating an education program related to craftsmanship.
  4. Supporting Collaborating with Japanese and international designers is another way to attract and inspire the young generation to take craftsmanship as their life path.  

How it works

  1. The Dento Foundation will be directly supported by our travellers  who meet the craftsmen during their travel in Japan (through the Dento project) and from buying the art that they create.
  2. Dento Foundation welcome donation to support its activates and goals.